October 19, 2020

Movie Night
Well everyone should be working on their movie for presentation for this Monday. If you are sending it to me, be sure to use my GMAIL account at mrf161@gmail.com, please don’t send it to my metalworking email. I will not be checking my email after 4 PM. Let's see what kind of moving making talents you have! You don’t have to be an expert, lets see what you came up with.
Wreaths Sales,
Mrs. Yonkovich asked me to post the following for BSB.
How are your salesman skills working for you? We'd like to put you to the test by having a friendly competition this Monday night. Please bring your order forms with you this week, and we'll tally up how many items you've sold. You will get your order forms back at the end of the night. Then, the patrol that has the most sales will receive a special treat at the end of the meeting. Also, if you have sold any swags, please let us know how many this week so we can get those ordered. They go through a different company than everything else. Thanks!
Mrs. Susan Yonkovich
Haunted Walk campout
Don’t forget the weekend of October 23-25 is our Haunted Walk campout. We will be talking about what we want to do for haunting at THIS MONDAY's meeting, if you have some good ideas or some cool effects, bring them to Monday’s meeting so we can incorporate them in our SPOOKING plan. Just a reminder that all participants will have health checks (symptom and temp check) before leaving St. Rita and when we arrive at OhDaKoTa. If anyone does not pass, we will ask parents to pick up their scout, so PLEASE make sure you are healthy before you come to the event. If we have anyone who tests positive with any symptoms when we arrive at Oh-Da-Ko-Ta, the whole vehicle will be sent home because they have been exposed to a potentially sick person. It is probably wise to check yourself before you leave home to make sure you do NOT have a temp, along with if you show any signs of illness, be sure to let ME know, so we don’t wait for you.
Future Plans
We are working on future meetings and outing ideas. With COVID going on, we are still introducing them as we get closer to events, as we know what the new rules changes are we will present the activity, be sure to always watch the BSB for these events and any updates we might have related to them. Our best line of communication is the BSB channels.
Thanks --Mr. F.