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October 2, 2023


Fall is well underway, the leaves will be falling, the temperatures dropping too. After that, comes Christmas. You know what Christmas needs? WREATHS! Are you out selling them? Turn in day is October 16th, which is two weeks from Monday. Get out and sell. If you need last year’s sheets, Mr. Lyon has found them, if you didn’t get them yet, be sure to ask him for them. We will also have some sales to distribute, if you want some names, feel free to ask for them. There were no incentives published this year because we discussed them after the wreaths packets were handed out. They are as follows. $5 of camp trading post cash for every $250 of sale. If your total family sales are over $1500, wreaths will be delivered by the troop to your house. Get out and sell wreaths and pay your way in scouting! A Scout is thrifty.


We worked on fitness a few weeks ago. During that night we worked on a fitness plan that each scout should be working on, especially those under First Class, please bring those sheets to Monday’s meeting so we can see how you are doing. We have a second meeting coming up to test you on your improvement, you need to have 30 days of practice in order to complete the requirement in your book, let’s get that done.


We ask that everyone please bring their book to Monday’s meeting. Looking at advancement reports, It would appear that a lot of people have a lot more done than recorded. Remember, unless you turn it in, it is not complete. We want our records to be up to date so we can plan future Troop meetings around what requirements everyone needs to get their next rank. Also, if you misplace your book and we don’t have it recorded, we cannot recreate your book with info that was not turned in. Many of you may have noticed that the sheets handed out at the Court of Honor were missing things you have completed in your book. Let’s get that stuff turned in so both your records and ours are up to date. For the Troop as a whole, a lot of scouts are falling behind on advancement, its time to get moving on advancement, we need scouts to step into new roles of the troop as our older scouts are aging out in the next year. Anyone that needs leadership position for rank advancement should turn in a leadership application and we will get you assigned to a leadership position (available in the box on the sign-up table). Last item on this topic, scouts should bring their book to every meeting so as we complete things, your Patrol leader can sign things off in your book right away.

That is all for this week, see you Monday!

Mr. F.


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