October 3, 2022

Keep Selling
Be sure to be getting out and selling wreaths, as they are waiting for you to call so they can place their order for their Christmas tradition. I have already been getting inquiries from past customers looking for when their salesperson will call. Be sure to take care of it sooner than later and get those sales. If you are selling popcorn, don’t forget those sales too! Remember, when communicating with your customers, be sure to speak clearly and slowly so they understand you, especially if you are leaving a message on their voicemail. Almost every year I get a call from someone who could not understand the message and need help finding out who called.
Merit Badge Training
This Monday Mrs. Andersen will be hosting a Merit Badge Training for any adult who would like to know more about becoming a merit badge counselor. This will take place during the Troop meeting, so why not check it out while your son is doing scouting in the oth
er room? Always looking for Merit Badge Counselors.
Looking for some help
I was contacted by another scouter and they are looking for help at the Steelhead Facility Open house on October 8th, from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Facility at 2200 Dominik Driv
e, Racine. They need help with teaching knot tying and casting fishing poles at the event. Moms and Dads, it’s a great chance to take your son down and teach them and others and find out all about the facility and what they do, it is very interesting. Please let me know if you are interested and I will give you the info.
Upcoming events
Don’t forget to sign up for upcoming events. Not sure if you signed up, you can always check the rosters here
That’s all this week, see you Monday!
Mr. F.