October 30th, 2023

Happy Halloween!
This Monday we will be having a Halloween party for the Troop meeting. Dress up in your scariest Halloween costume and come for some party fun! Thanks to all who made the Haunted Halloween Hay Ride a big success. I hear the Troop did a nice job, sorry I missed it.
Product Sales
Thanks for all those selling wreath and popcorn, watch for future BSB for pick, delivery, and payment dates.
Pass the word!
It was brought to my attention that not everyone is reading the BSB on a weekly basis, or it does not get to the youth of the troop. Parents, please make sure your scouts are also reading the BSB so they know what is going on at the upcoming troop meetings and events.
Bring your books.
Don’t forget to bring your scout books to the Troop meeting, I know several of you completed some requirements at the campout, be sure to get those turned into Mr. A.
Have a great week!
Mr. F.