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October 31, 2022

Just a couple quick things….

-Haunted Hayride is this weekend and we will be meeting at St. Rita at 5:15 Friday evening. I would like to encourage everyone to be there ON TIME or early, The hayride starts at 7, so we need to be ready to roll. Mr. Sisak and I hoping to leave early with a couple of scouts to get some set up, we will need the rest there as soon as possible. The closer to opening the busier camp gets, and roads through camp close at 6:30.

-All scouts are encouraged to bring anything to spook and scare, the theme of our area is spiders and spider webs, but other things are fine. If you don’t have anything, feel free to bring dark clothes, we will find a role for you. Dress WARM as well, we will be haunting from 7 till very late at night, so if you are not moving around a lot, you may get cold, dress warm!

-Families and friends are welcome to attend the Haunted Hayride as guests, you can sign up HERE

-Parents, don’t forget we will be contacting you pick up time at St. Rita when the weekend concludes, be ready to pick up your son.

-Wreaths Orders were submitted, but if you get a stray one between now and the end of next week we can add it to the order, let us know as soon as possible.

-Reminder, this MONDAY will be NO MEETING, we are taking off so people can celebrate Halloween at home.

Happy Halloween!

Mr. F.


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