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September 20th, 2021

We are Back!

We are back at St. Rita for our Troop meetings, along with being back, we are back to our fall program. The meeting will be at St. Rita, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM and Class A Uniforms. Is your Class A getting a little tight, don’t forget we have uniforms for trade, ask one of the uniformed leaders to help you find a new one. See everyone Monday Night…

Upcoming Events

Don’t forget to sign up for events we discussed at the Court of Honor last week. We were able to get the Badger game tickets for all those who signed up, so that is closed, but don’t forget the rest of the events, you don’t want to miss out. You can get the court of honor handout HERE, also don’t forget you can see the Troop calendar HERE. Add the google calendar to your calendar by clicking on the +GOOGLE icon in the lower right corner of the calendar!

Product sales are underway!

Product sales are in motion if you did not get your packets, talk to Mrs Yonkovich to get your wreath sale packet, if you're interested in popcorn sales contact Mrs. Miller. Both of these sales will give you camp credit along with help the troop out with yearly expenses. Get out and sell?


Know anyone interested in Cub Scouts or ScoutsBSA (Boy Scouts). Covid has taken a pretty hard hit on membership of the whole organization and NOW is time to rebuild. If you know anyone who is interested, let Mr. Lisowski know for Cub Scouts' age, or bring them to a Troop meeting if they are ScoutBSA age. If you are going to bring a guest to the troop meeting, please let me know in advance, sometimes meetings require supplies ahead of time, and we want to make sure we have enough for all.

That should do it for this week!


Mr. F.



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