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September 27, 2021

This would not typically be a week for the BSB because there is no regular meeting on Monday, it is a PLC (Patrol Leaders Conference) meeting, where you Patrol leaders will be planning our upcoming meetings. The rest of the Troop has Monday off. Seeing we have a few things going on, I figure I would do a BSB.


First of all, I discussed with the Honor Flight people today, and with the growing numbers of Covid among the youth and the high level of risk of many of the veterans attending the event, they reluctantly asked we reconsider attendance at the event. With that in mind, we are going to CANCEL THE HONOR FLIGHT this Saturday. The last thing we want to do is put anyone at additional risk. Thanks for your understanding in this manner, thanks to all those who signed up to help out, it is appreciated. I will be posting when I can on Facebook on a special page at so if you want to follow the Honor Flight and my journey with my vet.

Corn Maze

We are meeting at 3:00 PM at Boryznski’s. Be sure to check the weather and dress accordingly. The uniform of the day is RED SHIRT. Don’t get lost in the maze!

PLC Meeting

PLC meeting will be IN PERSON at CBTL at 7 PM with masks. Please come to the meeting with a good meeting plan! Older Scouts, don’t forget we will be looking for people to step up and be leaders in the Troop. If you want to help or need it for your rank advancement, be sure to fill out the leadership application on the Troop Documents of the Troop web page and get that turned in.

Need your Social Media Help

Cub Pack 161 (which feeds into Troop 161) is hosting a JOIN US night on October 4th at 6 PM at St. Rita. The future of Cub Scouts, as well as the ScoutsBSA and Troop 161, are very dependent on members. During COVID the Cub scouts have suffered a large membership hit, so we need help with recruiting. We want to spread the word about Scouting so I am asking all Troop families to consider reposting this link on your Facebook page and get the word out that the Pack is holding this JOIN US event. If you know someone who would like to join the Troop, bring them to a Troop meeting and we can get them involved.

That is all this week, see you SUNDAY!

Mr. F.


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